My name is Damon Elmore,
and I am the founder of SHPfitness. SHP Stands for simplified health and performance. My goal is to make your fitness journey simple and effective to keep you on the grind and to help you stick to your goals!
When I started my journey, I was a 130-pound tall, skinny, weak kid benching 95 lbs, and squatting 135 lbs. by the time I was a senior in high school I was 225 lbs., benching 400 lbs., and squatting 600 lbs., less than 8% body fat all while never taking a PED or steroid, staying natural and only relying on a work ethic, a clean diet, study of many professionals, and the tips and tricks I found on the way that I will be offering in this program.
My fitness journey began when I was about 13 years old. I had just lost in the semifinals to go to the championship game in the Football league I was playing in. I was bummed and I wasn’t nearly satisfied with myself physically or how I played on the field. From there my obsession with becoming bigger and stronger had begun. I knew that the weight room would help me be a better football player. Realizing my next season I was going to be playing at the high school level, I kicked it into another gear and hit the gym like crazy
because there was no way I was going to let myself be anything near average. I
wanted to be the guy that when I walked onto the field, fear would absolutely strike
my opponents. Well, I became that player by the time I was a 16-year-old junior
in high school. All the knowledge that I have learned along the way is now
To rewind back to when I first started, I started in a little tiny gym just in my hometown. I had no idea what I was doing,
all I knew was I had big goals and I wanted to play Linebacker in college. I
knew squats, bench, and deadlift were important, but I was just going into the
gym like a chicken with his head cut off just doing machines that looked cool.
I knew to be effective in the gym and to build muscle, athleticism and to crush
my goals I needed to know what I was doing.
I started studying. I studied how NFL football players train, powerlifters and I
also studied a lot of bodybuilders because during all of this of course I wanted
to look good and have a sculpted body while being fast and functional. I
studied but then I went into the gym and did it and I experimented, never
missing a day. I started figuring out how to train in the most effective ways.
I figured out exactly how to lift to build muscle and strength and it’s not
just go in there do heavy weight and just go till your muscles hurt. Yes, that somewhat
works, and you will build some muscle but there’s more effective ways to do it
way quicker and get wildly better results.
The fitness industry is crammed with people
saying multiple different things that leads to beginners or anybody possibly
being overwhelmed thinking that they are always doing something wrong which may
lead them to feel discouraged and confused. The truth is fitness is so simple.
It is not complicated whatsoever. But it’s hard and it takes dedication and
discipline, but when you start seeing results it is so worth it.
The most overlooked concept in the fitness industry is structure.
Structure is so important. When you have everything you need to do written out
for you, you are less likely to cheat yourself and you will get way better
workouts. I figured out how to take my
athleticism and physic to a whole new level because I developed structure and a
strategy. I wasn’t just big, I wasn’t just strong, but I was also athletic and fast,
and I could also dunk a basketball on a 10-foot hoop with ease by the time I
was 16. I combined functional athletic training, bodybuilding, and
powerlifting. I gained experience in all 3 categories. All the work started
paying off. As I said earlier, I always had goals to play football at the
division 1 level and after my junior season of football that became a reality, and
I received offers to play at the highest level of football in college. Injuries
held me back from pursuing that but what I learned while chasing that will help
me forever. That journey taught me discipline, structure, and hard work. My
goal is to help people achieve their fitness dreams and goals no matter what
they are, and I know the roadmap to it. NOTHING is impossible with the
knowledge that I want to give.
This is my 4 year transformation. The picture on the left is me going into my 9th grade year. (14 Years old)The picture on the right is me at the beginning of my senior year of high school. (18 years old)