Football Weight Lifting Program (12 Weeks)
Football Weight Lifting Program (12 Weeks)
Football Weightlifting Program
Welcome to the Football Weightlifting Program! This program is designed to enhance your strength, speed, explosiveness and overall athleticism to have you in the best physical position to absolutely dominate on the field no matter what position you are filling. Whether you’re a lineman who needs to push through the trenches to clear a path for your ball carrier, or if you are a wide receiver who needs to be lightning fast and agile to dust the guy guarding you, or even if you’re a linebacker who need to be quick and strong so that you can lay the hammer on the guy with the ball. Football is a sport that you must combine strength and agility to be able to excel on the field. It’s a sport that you need a unique set of abilities all mushed into one to work together. This program is the best one on the market to do just that. Lifting for optimal football performance is very different than bodybuilding. In this program you will do some unique workouts that will give you a very strong core, explosive muscle fibers, and great balance. This program is 12 weeks long and you will lift 4 days a week. This program is designed for football but can totally be used for a variety of sports that require similar athletic traits. Rugby, wrestling, and hockey to name a few.
The way that I have found most effective is, upper body workday, rest, lower body workday, upper body workday, rest, lower body workday, rest and repeat. Your gym should have all the equipment necessary to perform these exercises. No special machines are needed. You should have an idea of the strength level that you are at. With this program the tempo of these exercises will vary. On some lifts you will have a slow tempo with heavy reps to build strength, and on others you will have a very quick tempo with high reps to build speed and explosiveness. On some of these exercises you will not be training to failure or near failure on every exercise. The idea of some of them is to target the quick twitch muscle fibers. I will have notes describing the exercises that need further description of how it should be done and the goal of it.
Now let’s make you the most terrifying athlete you have ever been in your life!
(In this program will just be focused on the weightlifting side. I will not have cardio or sprint routines in this program.)
Key Phrases you will see.
Tempo. Meaning – The pace that you do the exercise. There will be 4 numbers (#-#-#-#) The order goes top pause, down/eccentric (When the muscles feel like they are stretching), bottom pause, And up. The numbers represent how long each part should take. The most effective way that I have found to help muscle growth is the down/concentric and having a slow movement. That will get the muscle tired very quick.
Super set. Meaning – Involves 2 workouts in 1 set. Right after the first exercise you go straight into the 2nd one.